
Fast Food ≠ Bad Food

In a world where everyone is so busy with everything going on in their lives, time and convenience became a precious commodity, and with that, the rise of fast food restaurants. However fast food has often been cast under the shadow of criticism, bearing the weight of assumptions about its detrimental effects on health. While it is true that many fast food options have earned a reputation for being high in calories, saturated fats, and sodium, here are some tips on how to make your fast food orders nutritious without losing the convenience:

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Meal Prep to Fit Your Lifestyle

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to meal prep. Some people won’t touch leftovers and others don’t want to go near a frying pan during the week. If it feels overwhelming to start, it can help to take a look at your options. Keep in mind, there’s nothing wrong with using different methods for different meals. You can even switch back and forth from week to week!

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Hating Your Body Isn’t the Answer

When talking about weight loss goals, some professionals (including myself) say that you can’t hate yourself into a smaller body. When you hear this, do you try to come up with arguments in your head? Maybe “discipline is the only way to reach your goals” or “staying comfortable hasn’t helped me get anywhere.” Discipline and getting out of your comfort zone are both wonderful for self-growth, but they don’t have to come from a place of self-hatred.

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How to Start Eating Mindfully

Have you noticed as you get older it can be harder to stay in tune with your hunger cues? Mindful eating is all about staying present during your meals and listening to how your body feels. This can be a great habit to prevent overeating and to learn more about the foods you enjoy. Mindful eating and listening to your hunger cues go hand in hand.

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Why Your Fad Diet Isn’t Working

How many times have you tried a fad diet like keto or Atkins just to fall off the wagon? Maybe you lost weight, and were proud of yourself, but soon gained the weight back and reverted back to your old ways quickly after finishing the diet. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. This is extremely common and what I like to call – yo-yo dieting. Long-term success does not happen often on these diets because they are not sustainable, flexible, or individualized and they do not provide you with the support, education & accountability you need.

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The Importance of Eating Breakfast

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and they’re completely right! Did you know that breakfast can actually help with weight loss and living a healthy lifestyle? Breakfast is one of the most commonly skipped meals for all individuals. Whether it’s due to being in a rush to get to work/school, wanting to get a few extra minutes of sleep, or feeling nauseous from waking up, breakfast is typically overlooked. Here are a few reasons why you should be consuming breakfast:

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